About me

My introduction to Shiatsu started in 1985, with classes by Robert Jaruslawski and Shizuko Yamamoto. They offered me my talents for energetic bodywork an showed me a new way to communicate.

In 1991 I started a professional Shiatsu training in Kiental in the Swiss Alps. These events a new way of my life, that is still present and ongoing today. I taught Shiatsu courses within the Germany Adult education system. Later I developed and taught private lectures and classes about various energetic bodywork techniques. In conjunction with the workshops, I offered individual treatments. Inspired by continued education seminars, I began to combine Shiatsu with other methods of bodywork and to create my own style.

In 2000 I opened the school for TAO Footreflexology Massage.

In 2005 I founded the practice for AI CHI Japanese Art of massage and the school for AI CHI body- and energy work.

”My practice is a combination of knowledge, which I have received from many teachers and my own acquired personal experiences.”

Curriculum Vitae

1985/86 – Gereatric nursing school in Regensburg/Germany & examination

1988/89 – Courses in Shiatsu, Japanese Yoga (Do In) and macrobiotic Cooking on two education camps in Greece and Portugal.

1991 – 93 – Intensive training (yearly) on the International Shiatsu School Kientalerhof, Switzerland.
Teachers: Saul Goodman (founder of Shiatsu/Shin Tai), Dr. Wilfried Rappenecker (President of the German Shiatsu Society), Ray Ridolfy (Leader of the London Shiatsu School)

1992 – „A Gentle Passage“ workshop with Bill Spears (Student from Elisabeth Kübler Ross und Lama Sogyal Rinpoche) about euthanasia und the development of empathy – Kiental, Switzerland.

1993 – Workshops with Mantak Chia, founder of the Tao Yoga System.

1993Shin Tai I – Courses of Study about the structural Osteopathy of hip and spine with Saul Goodman in Hamburg, Germany.

1993 – One year training (part time) and certification in Rwo-Shr Footreflexologie Massage  with Luisa Holler in Bad Reichenhall, Germany.

– Worked as an assistant instrictor in the Intensive Training Workshops in the International Shiatsu School Kiental, Switzerland.

– Certification as Shiatsupractitioner

1997 – Shin Tai II
– Courses of Study focusing on the Central Chanel (Gouverning Vessel Meridian). Release and recovering of the original lifeforce with Saul Goodmann in Kiental, Switzerland.

1996 – 2000 – Training in visionäry Cranio Sacral Osteopathy with Hugh Milne from Big Sur, California in Hamburg, Germany.

2000 – Workshop in Visceral Manipulation with the American Doctor of Osteopathy Michael Shea in Kiental,Switzerland.

2002 „Bulding up your own practice“, – Professional Shiatsus Workshop with Cliff Andrews from the United Kingdom in Hamburg, Germany.

2004 „The hormonal System“ A four day Workshop for Cranio Sacral Practitioners with Charlotta Vannini in Kiental,Switzerland

2004Seiki Soho, Advanced techniques in traditional Japanese Shiatsu. Workshop with Akinobu Kishi Sensei & Kyoko Kishi in Kiental, Switzerland

2005„Seiki & Shinto“ – A three week Intensive in Japan including workshops in Seiki Soho and traditional Japanese arts with Akinobu & Kyoko Kishi in Kyoto, Oshaka and Nara

2008 – Seiki Soho – Weekend in Munich. This was the last course with Akinobu Kishi, cause he died in 2012.

Since that time I stopped visitig seminars for many years. I developed my own style in combining elements of Seiki, Shiatsu, Shin Tai and Cranio Sacral Bodywork to an own System called Ai Chi.

2024 – Seiki Soho Weekend in Konstanz with Kyoko Kishi Sensei